Monday, April 13, 2009


I got my inchies done tonight. I have loved working on these. I did cross ones for April since I lost my April showers ones from last time when I got excited and did more than i needed to. I did cute graduation ones for May,
and for June I did Lady bugs, butterflies and a flower. I hope the girls love them.

*LOL guess what I found when I was finished! You guessed it the April showers ones I had lost. I'm crazy crazy crazy!!! Oh, well they will just get an extra set.


  1. Super cute! Do you use them in scrap booking?

  2. Hi Momma!!!!
    I was gonna talk to you today while I was @ your house. I was told you was sleeping.
    I needs ya do make me pretty for prom (May 9th)
    So we need to get an appointment made!!!

